Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Craig Springs Memorial......wet and cold!

We have had years when it was hot and dry, and some were wet and muggy. This was the worst. Wet and cold. Add to that the construction work going on at the old church, the gravel drives, holes where stumps once were, now full of rain water, and the constant cold misting rain. It was miserable. We usually eat after church there on the tables under the oak trees. As soon as church let out, everyone scattered. There were not even the number of people there that usually are. During normal weather there are people left outside standing on the steps, (which are no more, there's a ramp). Everyone was huddled inside so the doors could be closed to keep out the breeze. And there was my experience of having an excited toddler in church. We start a song, he wants to sing along, straight through the prayer. But he doesn't sing, he hollers with a grin. We give him a toy, this pleases him for 5 seconds, then its thrown across the isle, landing with a thud in this old wooden church. Here's a cookie. Bad move, this REALLY excites him so he stands on Matt's lap with cookie in hand and crumbs all over grinning and screaming "uhhhhhhh"! We went outside and found papaw walking up. So they played in the car, discovered every knob and button in the car. Thank god he didn't find that one right in the middle of the steering wheel. Anyway, we all scattered. Some of us went up to Friendship church and ate. Others just gathered at ones house and ate. But we went home and called it a day. Jesse took a good nap while I took my good sweet time at Kroger. And Matt wonders why I take so long. But we just kicked back for the rest of the day and had McDonalds for supper and watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Matt apparently didn't know I had seen this in the theater, so he watched while I went to sleep. My kinda weekend. Wait till next weekend though. Memorial weekend in Houma Louisiana!! Camp house and boats waiting on us, just a few miles from where the shrimp boats dock. Cant wait!!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha, I read the posts in backwards order. So much for those awesome boats waiting on ya huh??

    Well I hate that Memorial was such a bust. But atleast I didnt drive 18 hours to be cold and miserable and wet!
